Collision Between Scooter Rider and Automobile on 8th & Washington as Hoboken’s Lime Pilot Program Comes to an End
Hoboken Police responded to the scene of a collision between a scooter rider and an automobile on Wednesday, November 20 at the corner of 8th & Washington Streets.
According to Hoboken Police Traffic Commander Lt. John Petrosino, “the driver of the vehicle was stopped at a red light. After the light changed to green, the driver turned right into 8th street. At that moment the escooterist struck the side of the turning vehicle.”
The scooter rider went to Hoboken University Medical Center with what were initially considered to be minor injuries. Petrosino maintains that the crash is still under investigation, and fault has not yet been determined. “Last we heard the escooterist had a complaint of pain only, but we are following up on injuries today,” he told hMAG.
November 20 marked the final day of Hoboken’s Scooter Rideshare Pilot Program. According to HPD, the plan is for Lime, the sole remaining rideshare scooter provider, to remove the scooters from the streets of Hoboken today, pending a decision on the future of the program.
Lime’s data indicates that over 640,000 trips have been taken within Hoboken on their scooters by over 70,000 unique riders since the pilot period began in May—a testament to the popularity of the scooter program. However, concerns over safety have been dominating the conversation here in Hoboken. Those concerns have been punctuated by last night’s fatality in nearby Elizabeth following a collision between a 16 year-old scooter rider and a tow truck. The scooter rider was rushed to the hospital following the collision around 8 p.m., where he died of his injuries. Elizabeth is just weeks into its scooter rideshare program with Lime.
“Understanding the legitimate concerns from residents regarding safety as well as the feedback from many users asking for e-scooters to continue,” said Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla in a statement last week, “I’ve asked the Chair of the City Council’s Transportation and Parking Subcommittee, Mike Russo and Councilmember Tiffanie Fisher to convene a working committee with my Director of Transportation, Ryan Sharp, to come up with both short term and long term recommendations regarding a potential e-scooter pilot extension and longer term program, along with other shared mobility services.”
The earliest Hoboken scooter rideshare would reappear the on streets after the pilot expires would be after the next City Council meeting on December 4th.