FRIDAYS ARE FOR FRANK: “My Kind Of Town” (Jeopardy! Edition)
This one hurt pretty badly…
On a recent episode of Jeopardy!, we were only delighted to see an entire category dedicated to Frank Sinatra. The contestants, however, took their sweet time getting to that column—and once they did, we learned all too quickly why…
It’s not like we occasionally mention Frank Sinatra, or have a subtle nod to him from time to time. We write a column about him every week.
We’ll give you Atlantic City, with its casinos and lounges. We’ll even give you Newark, home to a number of extremely talented artists—as well as the Grammy Museum Experience.
But TRENTON?!?! Dear God…
Yes, Frank had an acrimonious relationship with his hometown, but Hoboken is known far and wide for being the “Birthplace of Frank Sinatra.” Just to underscore that, last week we held the Sinatra Idol Contest… in Sinatra Park… ON SINATRA DRIVE.
Are you getting any of this???
The son of a tavern owner, Francis Albert Sinatra was born in this New Jersey City in December 1915.
Frank often spoke of his Hoboken upbringing, although you had to pay close attention. Sometimes he mixed things up a bit.
Take this version of “My Kind of Town,” for example—if you’re a Cubs fan, this version is likely to hurt your ears…