Hoboken Catholic Academy Poker / Blackjack / Roulette Night—FRIDAY
Hoboken Catholic Academy will be hosting its annual Poker / Blackjack / Roulette Night THIS FRIDAY in the school gym (555 7th Street). Doors open at 6:30, gaming starts at 8:00.
Ticket prices include a buffet dinner, open bar*, and access to player instructional tables at the beginning of the event.
Information on buy-ins and registration form available by clicking here. Spectators welcome!!!
Now in its third year, this is a great event that just keeps getting better—with a good time had by all.
For more information, please contact Mike Tennaro at 201-659-4175 or visit www.hobokencatholic.org.
(*hMAG Editor/retired bartender Chris Halleron will be working the bar… he’s surly and he’s rusty, but he’s still quick with a bottle opener.)