Hoboken Police Raid Crack Cocaine Ring After Lengthy Investigation
After being tipped off by concerned citizens in the Hoboken Housing Complex, the Hoboken Police Department’s (HPD) Investigations Bureau began investigating the sales of controlled dangerous substances (CDS) from 665 6th Street, near Harrison Street. In the ensuing 2-month investigation, HPD Detectives Michael Miranda and Bret Globke determined that the defendants selling crack cocaine out of their apartment at all hours of the day and night.
On Monday, June 10 at 1:03 pm, Detectives from the Investigations Bureau observed Melinda Walker age 46 of Hoboken, exiting 655 6th Street. After stopping the defendant for an outstanding warrant from the Hudson County Sheriff’s Department, Detectives Velez, Milne and Lyons observed a large clear plastic bag with a large amount of white rock protruding from her pocket. With over 40 grams of crack cocaine at a street value of over $2000, Walker was transported to headquarters where she was processed for Possession w/ Intent to Distribute—among other charges—and later remanded to the Hudson County Rehabilitation Center.
At 8:20 that evening, the Hoboken Police Department’s Investigations Bureau along with the Hudson County Regional Swat Team and Hoboken’s Emergency Service Unit executed entry to 655 6th Street apt 1G. The door was found to be fortified with the addition of several locks in order to prevent law enforcement entry.
Upon entering the apartment, Hashim Scott, age 44 of Hoboken, was located near the bathroom where police believe he attempted to discard some of the CDS. He and Rebecca Gonzalez, age 42 of Hoboken, we’re taken into custody without incident. After searching the apartment, officers found evidence of crack/cocaine, over $800.00 in u.s. currency, prescription CDS and other CDS related paraphernalia.
Defendants were processed and remanded to the Hudson County Rehabilitation Center. Charges have been elevated, given the location’s proximity to schools and public housing.
“I would like to commend and thank the members of my office that worked tirelessly to culminate this investigation to its conclusion,” said Detective Captain Charles Campbell. “Furthermore, with the added support of the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office, the expertise of the Hudson County Regional SWAT and Hoboken ‘s own E.S.U Unit and the assistance of the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office a plan was put into place that addressed all concerns and potential threats attached to this event. I can assure you that a collaborative plan was put into place to address the circumstance and mitigate all potential dangers to the public during this event.It was a pleasure to be a part of this entire team and at the end to see how well different agencies, with a common goal, worked seamlessly together as if we have done it throughout time. Great job by all!”