INTIMATE DETAILS EXPOSED: Rebecca Ferrier Photography on the Bare Facts of Boudoir Photos
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner.
Looking for a unique, personal gift this year? It doesn’t get any more unique—or personal—than boudoir photography.
That said, you’re not going to want to get your BFF to snap these pics on their iPhone. To be done right, an endeavor this bold requires artistic expertise and the utmost professionalism.
“We shoot in our comfortable, funky, natural light studio in Jersey City,” says Rebecca Ferrier of Rebecca Ferrier Photography, who draws from multiple disciplines in an effort to connect with clients and create a sense of comfort in front of the lens that truly shows in the resulting product.
Rebecca and her partner Chris Lee have been shooting together for over 10 years. For boudoir shots, Rebecca stays up close posing and directing, while Chris shoots from farther away, to get a more voyeuristc feel.
“We collect furniture and vintage fabrics to use for our shoots, so that we can build our sets individually for each shoot,” says Ferrier. “My favorite piece is a green fainting lounge that I acquired from my parents, that was kept in our living room that we were not allowed to go into. Needless to say its in very good shape.”
Some might wonder what type of person would be interested in getting these type of photos.
“We have a very eclectic clientele. First and foremost, a boudoir shoot is for any body who wants to empower themselves,” says Ferrier. “Women of all ages and sizes are doing boudoir shoots for for their own reasons. Some have fought cancer and won, or are about to get a mastectomy, women who work very hard on themselves at the gym and want to celebrate themselves, women just young wild and free and would like it documented, women who have had three children and have realized that it is time to treat themselves, and some getting married and would like to give their husband to be a special gift. The defining principle they all share—they want to celebrate themselves, who they are right now.”
By definition, boudoir photos are images that test boundaries but don’t cross them. They’re tasteful, not raunchy—empowering, rather than objectifying.
“Our images are all instagram friendly. Our lighting is soft and natural and our style is more subtle, sexy and romantic. We get to know you to learn what you love about yourself and accentuate those features though light and with our experience in boudoir photography. Boudoir shoots are empowering, and opportunity fro you to celebrate yourself. And for memories, you will look back and see how beautiful you felt that day. We pride ourselves in finding the right pose for you, that works for your body type,” says Ferrier. “Benefits of having a male/female team are that many women are more comfortable shooting with a a woman and don’t mind me helping them with their garters or hands on fixing and Chris adds another perspective thought the lens as a male.
The boudoir experience is an uplifting, positive, empowering experience. It makes you think, of how you perceive yourself and others perceive you and perhaps look at yourself differently than you see yourself every day. When our clients see their photos, they are blown away by how gorgeous they look.”
Of course discretion is key when dealing with such an intimate subject.
“After the photos are taken, we post them to password protected online gallery so that you may view them and choose your favorite images for your album or fine art prints. We even offer your own private app so that you may look at your photos anytime,” says Ferrier. “We do not post or use any of the photos unless we have permission to do so (EDITOR’S NOTE: All the photos in this article were shared with permission.) You could share with your friends and significant other. Sometimes others see things in us that we miss.”
While it sounds like a fulfilling experience, the fact remains that a lot of people might still feel a bit self-conscious about posing for boudoir photos, for any number of reasons. For those who might be unsure of themselves, Ferrier maintains the experience itself is the real treat.
“Now is the right time to do this for yourself. We can’t tell you how many times we’ve heard somebody say, how they wanted to do this 10 years ago! It’s human nature to want to wait, until we lose more pounds, or get a tan, or get back to the gym,” she says. “The truth is this is something to do for yourself, having your hair and makeup done, buying some new lingerie, and having an awesome photo shoot with people who know how to pose you in flattering poses.”
If the idea of boudoir shots is a bit too much, or if you’re looking for a different style of images, Rebecca Ferrier Photography (RFP) offers a comprehensive portfolio in a variety of styles.
“We shoot weddings and portraits as well. Our weddings photos have an artistic and natural feel,” says Ferrier. “We use the same approach, getting to know our clientele so that you are super comfortable on the day of your wedding/shoot.”
In addition, RFP offers portraits that range from newborns to professional headshots. In fact, Rebecca is often seen on the streets of Hoboken, working with various real estate agents.
As for the boudoir shots, a lot of the concepts come directly from the person getting photographed.
“Many people bring lingerie, significant others favorite sports team hats, team shirts, guitar, hats,” says Ferrier. “Crisp white shirt, sexy girl-next-door stuff. Sexy is a state mind, and if your feeling, anything is sexy. Props, long necklace, fun hats, anything!
To learn more, and to book your session, visit RebeccaFerrierPhotography.com.

Rebecca Ferrier & Chris Lee