LOVE: STEVENS — Stevens Institute of Technology To Provide Tennis Court Access to Hoboken Residents
(via Stevens Institute of Technology)
As a part of Stevens Institute of Technology’s ongoing partnership with the Hoboken community, Stevens will once again will provide access during the summer months to four tennis courts for use by Hoboken residents from June 5th through August 21st.
Hoboken residents 18 years of age and older will have access to the tennis courts on the northern end of the campus between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. All interested residents will need to sign up at the Stevens Athletic Center for a visitor ID swipe card which will grant access to the courts for the designated times. Any participants in last year’s program must complete all paperwork again and will be issued a new ID card. ID cards issued last year are invalid.
“Last summer, dozens of Hoboken residents were able to use the tennis courts at Stevens, and I am very thankful to President Farvardin and the Athletic Department for again making their facilities available to our very active community,” said Dawn Zimmer, Mayor of Hoboken.
Additional information about Stevens tennis court access for Hoboken residents:
Hoboken residents 18 years of age and older may use the set of four tennis courts located just off of Ninth Street on the north end of the Stevens campus. The set of two courts on the south side of campus are not available for use and are restricted to the Stevens community.
All Hoboken residents 18 years of age and older who are interested in using the courts must first obtain a Stevens visitor ID card. The first step is to complete the Athletics Facilities Use and Release form which can be picked up at the Schaefer Athletic Center’s reception desk Monday–Friday between 8am and 8:30pm. The reception desk is located in the main lobby of the building and can only be accessed through the front entrance.
All individuals must present valid proof of Hoboken residence. Upon completion of the form, a Stevens visitor ID will be created for each person and distributed on the same visit. This ID must be present with the individual at all times while on the Stevens campus and a second form of photo ID must be available as well. No guests are allowed; only those people with a valid Stevens ID may use the courts.
Please note that ID cards issued for last year’s program are invalid. Any participants in last year’s program must complete all paperwork again and will be issued a new ID card.
Dates and Hours
The courts are available for use Monday–Sunday from 8:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m. from Monday, June 5-Sunday, August 13.
No parking is available on campus for those individuals using the tennis courts.
All posted rules at the tennis facility must be followed. A one hour time limit is in effect when the courts are full. Patrons may not prop open the door to the courts nor let other individuals into the courts. All tennis players must swipe in to the facility on their own. Anyone who is found in violation of these rules will lose court privileges for the remainder of the summer.
Please contact the Stevens Office of Campus Recreation:
Director-John Maurizi, jmaurizi@stevens.edu, 201-216-8111
Assistant Director-Will Emanuele, wemanuel@stevens.edu, 201-216-8554
For more information about Stevens’ neighborhood programs and community partnerships, please visit Stevens Connects.