MARCH FOR OUR LIVES: Hoboken to Host Rally for End to Gun Violence — SATURDAY, MARCH 24
(via press release)
On Saturday, March 24, community members in Hoboken will gather for a “sibling march” as part of the March for Our Lives movement.
The march is one of hundreds happening around the country planned by students and survivors of gun violence in communities big and small, in all 50 states.
The national day of action will focus on calling for lawmakers to make students’ lives and safety a priority and to pass common-sense gun safety legislation.
“I have been so inspired by the young people who are pushing forward with their
demands for action to end gun violence,” said the Rev. Elaine Ellis Thomas, rector of All Saints Episcopal Parish in Hoboken. “I am happy to organize this solidarity march to show our support for their efforts.”
The march will begin with a rally at 1:00 p.m. at the Jubilee Center, 601-603 Jackson
Street and will proceed from there to City Hall.