PATH TO FM: NYC and JC Scenes Merge for a Night of Live Music — FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14th
There’s the New York City live music scene, and then there’s the Jersey live music scene. Both robust and dynamic in their own right, but what if (GASP!!!) they actually combined forces???
This Friday night, The Latest Noise and Pamnation will attempt to “cross streams” as they present PATH to FM, featuring artists who have managed to carve out a beachhead on either side of the Hudson.
“The Path train is just like the subway so its no big deal to get to Jersey City,” says Pamela Condron, of Pamnation. “Manhattanites like to claim they’ve found the newest coolest scene first—and Jersey City may just be that!”
Mike Kuzan of The Latest Noise says, “I think [Jersey City] has developed a reputation as a hard working, quality, music community that is inclusive to artists of many walks of life.” He adds, “It’s a change of scenery, I love going to new spots to take in music. When you walk into a new space and see a band you love there’s a freshness to the performance, the atmosphere and the vibe. It’s less about geography and more about intention and vibe. With that being said, they are quality bands and communities in both NYC and NJ that are looking to grow their audience and reach.”
Friday’s show at FM (340 3rd Street) features Janna Pelle, Blak Emoji and James Calleo.
“My perception of the NYC scene is holy shit there is thousands of scenes there’s not just one scene,” says Calleo. Meanwhile, Pelle sees NYC Music fans coming across to Jersey City, “to get away from the ‘big-ness’ of the city but still find the same quality of music and talent.” Kelsey Warren, of Blak Emoji, says, “Personally I only see a difference between venues period. [I’ve] played NJ and NYC and it all goes down to the sound person or the staff or the promoters, etc.”
Friday’s show starts at 9:00.
Tickets $8 at the door.