SMOKE A JC: Jersey City Sparks Up Legalization Process with Council Vote on Wednesday
New Jersey’s marijuana legalization debate is bound to get a bit hazy. Before full-blown reefer madness hits the Garden State, Jersey City is taking proactive steps to see how they’ll handle it.
“On Wednesday, March 28th, The Jersey City Council will vote on amendments to the City’s Land Development Ordinance which will serve as the first steps in ensuring that any future legalization within the City is done in a strategic and equitable way,” said the City, in a press statement. “In addition to the amendments, the City Council will also review a memo prepared by the Division of City Planning which outlines both short-term and long-term strategies to prepare for possible statewide legalization.”
Governor Phil Murphy campaigned on a promise of overhauling marijuana laws in the Garden State. Since his election, there have been more questions than answers as to how it will be implemented.
“I am supporter of legalization but it is important that Jersey City takes a proactive approach to prepare for the possible legalization of marijuana in New Jersey,” said Mayor Steven Fulop. “The outlined changes to our zoning laws will help ensure that residents will be part of the process of where dispensaries and grow facilities will be permitted, and will guarantee that Jersey City will have the ability to chart its own course once legalization occurs. Our goal is to be ahead of the conversation so that we don’t find ourselves in costly legal battles defending the City in the case we hadn’t prepared properly. This will ensure that residents are protected.”
The devil is always in the details, which includes looking at licensing for the cultivation, manufacture, warehousing, distribution, research/development and sale of Cannabis and Cannabis Products. Jersey City may consider restricting the establishment of licensed operations from specific distance of schools, public parks, day care centers, and other licensed cannabis establishments.