WALK_BYE: Art Appreciation Takes to the Streets of Jersey City—SATURDAY
For the last three months, art appreciation worldwide has been done primarily via a virtual setting. A group in Jersey City is coming together to invite people to get out and enjoy art in-person… from a safe distance.
“On June 27, from 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. we invite everyone in the community to appreciate our WALK_BYE exhibition,” said organizer Catalina Aranguren. “WALK_BYE is a collective outdoor art exhibition of original work displayed outside, visible to the public from a distance. We hope to bring artists and community members in together and create a sense of connectivity during this unprecedented moment of extreme isolation.”
An interactive map of exhibition venues brings curious onlookers from Lincoln Park to McGinley Square and back again, taking in scores of displays at storefronts and residents along the way.

image courtesy of WALK_BYE
“Art has become a way to continue to connect during a time when we all feel so suddenly disconnected from the outside world,” said Aranguren. “This platform will show the creativity and perseverance of neighbors and Jersey City and will create something we all need right now — connection to others outside the virtual.”
“There is no better tool for this than art,” she adds.
To learn more about exhibits, exhibitors, and scheduled events along the route, check out WALK_BYE on instagram.