Hoboken High School Students Complete Stevens SATMax Program
Educators, administrators, proud parents and hard-working Hoboken High School students gathered last night in the stunning hall of the Babbio Center last night, as Stevens Institute of Technology recognized 16 Hoboken students who successfully completed the SATMax college entrance exam course, which was taught in part by Stevens students.
SATMax is a comprehensive course designed to prepare students for taking the PSAT or SAT exams, which will then improve their chances of gaining acceptance to the college or university of their choice. The Stevens program brings faculty and students who are trained as “micro-teaching” tutors. After a group introduction session, Hoboken High students were assigned to teams of four and underwent training in the four basic areas of the test: Test taking strategy, mathematical skills, verbal skills, and written composition. The collaborative effort results in a better level of preparedness for the realities of the exam, ideally translating to better scores and better opportunity.
“We are committed to working with Hoboken residents,” said Stevens president Nariman Farvardin, “so that the good things that are happening here on campus spill over into the community.”
In addition to the SATMax course, Stevens offers one full scholarship annually to a Hoboken student, as well as numerous partial scholarships. Furthermore, up to 250 teachers here in Hoboken receive support—be it textbooks, classroom technology or other items—from Stevens Institute of Technology.
“On behalf of the people of Hoboken, I’d like to thank you,” said Mayor Dawn Zimmer. “This program demonstrates how committed Stevens is to our community.”
Mayor Zimmer also thanked the Hoboken School Board members, all of whom were also in attendance.
“We’re so proud when our students step up and push themselves toward excellence,” said School Board President Ruth Tyroler.
The Mayor also spoke directly to the students who completed the program, saying, “Whatever you do, just try your hardest—you may surprise yourself.”
Congratulations to:
-Willie Allen -Todd J. Perkins
-Osama Assal -Ray C. Post
-Jeyfry Camilo -Lisseth Quizhpi
-Xenia David -Gina Marie Rotondi
-Oscar De La Rosa -Nick Sobolov
-Allison Feinstein -Tiara Stevens
-Maria Florendo -Aishah Tapia
-Diana Paredes -Alfredo Veloce