Hoboken Uber Allies?
The relationship between rideshare titan Uber and New Jersey municipalities is… complicated.
In a statement last August, Mayor Zimmer said, “We think Uber and other similar transportation technology companies provide a valuable service to our community.” But…
“Unfortunately, New Jersey state law has yet to catch up with these new business models, and we continue to urge our legislators to update the law in order to regulate these companies so they can operate safely and in accordance with all applicable laws. Until then, the city has an obligation to enforce the existing laws.”
Yet despite the lukewarm welcome—not to mention the occasional brushes with Hoboken’s finest—Uber is now setting up shop here in Hoboken, according to NJ.com, with a brick-and-mortar Uber office opening on Washington Street next month. The office will serve as a support center for customers and drivers alike, as Uber hunkers down for a legislative battle here in New Jersey.
What does that mean for Hoboken Uber fans? Your guess is as good as ours…
Uber continues to operate in Hoboken, yet the status of its legality is still up in the air, as the Taxi lobby tries its best to fight what will likely continue to be a significant competitor to the existing business model.