Hoboken Veterans Day Services in Elysian Park — SUNDAY, NOV. 10th & MONDAY, NOV. 11th
Hoboken will host a pair of Veterans Day services over the next few days, as we take the time to recognize the incalculable contributions of our nation’s intrepid military personnel.
On Sunday, November 10th at 2 p.m., the Hudson County American Legion Observance and Wreath Ceremony will take place at the World War I Memorial in Elysian Park ( Hudson St. Between 10th & 11th St.)

Veteran’s Day ceremony in Elysian Park. 11/11/18 Hoboken, NJ photo by Joe Epstein/JoeEpsteinPhotography.com
Hoboken’s role in World War I can never be overstated. As the United States declared war on Germany and her allies on April 6, 1917, Hoboken’s German-owned shipping lines were immediately seized, and the ships docked along the waterfront were commandeered to become troop transports. In a matter of weeks, the piers here in Hoboken were converted to serve as the chief port of embarkation for the American Expeditionary Force. General John J. “Black Jack” Pershing famously boasted that his troops would be in, “Heaven, Hell or Hoboken” by Christmas, 1917.
Sadly, Pershing’s promise turned out to be far too optimistic, and by the end of hostilities on November 11, 1918, nearly 2 million U.S. “Doughboys” would have passed through Hoboken, en route to the Western Front. Far fewer would return, as the AEF sustained 53,402 battle deaths, 63,114 non-combat deaths (including the devastating influenza pandemic of 1918) and 204,000 fighting men wounded.
Hoboken American Legion Post 107 is proud to host this year’s county-wide World War I observance on Sunday, November 10th. Veterans are invited back to Post 107 at 308 2nd Street for cocktails and refreshments from 2 p.m.-8 p.m.
Hoboken Veterans Day services continue on Monday, November 11 at 11:00 a.m. sharp—the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month—Hoboken American Legion Post #107 and Hoboken Elks Lodge #74 will be joined by local dignitaries at the traditional Veterans Observance. Once again, the location will be the World War I Memorial at Elysian Park (Hudson between 10th & 11th Street).
Following a brief ceremony to thank all those that have served, all are invited to the Hoboken Elks for coffee & bagels. Following that, the American Legion Post #107 will be open from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. for all Veterans.
Earlier this week, Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise and Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla named Sgt. Daniel Nigro 2019 Veteran of the Year for the City of Hoboken.
This morning I was honored to present Sgt Daniel Nigro with a proclamation naming him the 2019 Veteran of the Year in the City in Hoboken. I am so thankful to him and all the other service men and women who have put their lives on the line for our safety and freedom. pic.twitter.com/yzvsVzF91n
— Ravinder S. Bhalla (@RaviBhalla) November 7, 2019
“Heaven, Hell or Hoboken…”