IRISH SODA BREAD CONTEST: See How Mammy’s Recipe Holds Up at the Hoboken Irish Festival — MAY 13th
The manna of the Irish poorer class, soda bread was the product of necessity. It was more or less made with whatever the Irish could scrape together—flour, baking soda (instead of yeast), buttermilk and salt.
Over time, the recipe became more extravagant with the addition of items like currants or raisins. Of course every Irish mammy has her own way of doing it, and anyone else’s recipe is a sacrilege. In fact, there’s even a Society for the Preservation of Irish Soda Bread, intent upon reminding people that the bread was a product of the Irish Famine.
At the 6th Annual Hoboken Irish Festival on Saturday May 13th in scenic Sinatra Park, contestants encouraged to take a slightly less gloomy approach with the Annual Irish Soda Bread Competition.
Anyone interested in putting their recipe (or their mammy’s recipe) to the test is welcome to enter. Contestants only need to bake ONE LOAF of Irish Soda bread, and provide one to two sentences of background as to why they think their recipe is the best. Email gfallo@hobokennj.org for more information.
A panel of judges will partake in the loaves and decide which one takes the cake… or is it a bread?
We’ll let the Society for the Preservation of Irish Soda Bread chew on that one for a bit, while we make our way over to Finnegan’s Beer Garden and listen to live music by Gold N’ Brown and more…