ONSTAGE AT STEVENS: “When Classical Music Meets Jazz!” — NJSO Live in Hoboken on Friday, June 2nd
Did you know you can swing to Strauss’ music? This Friday, June 2nd, the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra (NJSO) is going to show you how!
When Classical Music Meets Jazz! – Versatile NJSO musicians collaborate with NJ’s best jazz musicians to present music that combines classical music and jazz. The evening will feature such jazz greats as Rufus Reid, Sara Caswell and Charles Pillow alongside NJSO favorites Bart Feller, Chris Komer and many more!
OnStage at Stevens is a new performing arts and cultural series that brings premier music, theater, dance, literary arts and other entertainment to Stevens, Hoboken and the surrounding communities.
For the inaugural season, OnStage at Stevens has entered into an exciting collaboration with the NJSO and is proud to welcome members from the NJSO in a series developed exclusively for this initiative.
Learn more at stevens.edu/onstage., or CLICK HERE for ticket information