This Week’s Hoboken Road Construction Schedule
Here is a list of streets that will be closed in the days to come.
From the City of Hoboken:
As part of the City of Hoboken’s street resurfacing program which will include more than 50 blocks of roadway in 2015, residents are advised that milling, resurfacing and line striping/pavement marking installation will begin on July 27, 2015 on the following streets:
- Bloomfield Street from Observer Highway to 14th Street
- 8th Street from Castle Point Terrace to Hudson Street
- 9th Street from Castle Point Terrace to Hudson Street
- Madison Street from 13th Street to 15th Street
Milling operations will begin on Monday, July 27th, resurfacing operations will begin on Wednesday, July 29th, and line striping/pavement marking installations will begin on Monday, August 3rd. All of these road resurfacing and intersection safety improvements will start on Bloomfield Street at the intersection of Observer Highway and proceed north. The contractor anticipates being able to do each of these steps at a rate of about four blocks per day. The Hoboken Police Department will be deployed through the work zone to ensure pedestrian safety and provide traffic control. Note that roadway closures and Temporary No Parking areas will be setup as required. Motorists are advised to plan alternate routes and avoid the affected streets.
(Dates and limits are subject to change depending on weather and production)
Milling Schedule
July 27 – Bloomfield Street (Observer Highway up to 4th Street)
July 28 – Bloomfield Street (3rd Street to 8th Street)
July 29 – Bloomfield Street (7th Street to 12th Street, Southerly half of Intersection)
July 30 – Bloomfield Street (11th Street, Northerly half of intersection to 14th Street)
July 31 – 8th Street (Castle Point Terrace to Hudson Street) and 9th Street (Castle Point Terrace to Hudson Street)
Aug. 3 – Madison Street (13th Street to 15th Street)
Resurfacing Schedule
July 29 – Bloomfield Street (Observer Highway up to 4th Street)
July 30 – Bloomfield Street (3rd Street to 8th Street)
July 31 – Bloomfield Street (7th Street to 12th Street, Southerly half of Intersection)
Aug. 3 – Bloomfield Street (11th Street, Northerly half of intersection to 14th Street)
Aug. 4 – 8th Street (Castle Point Terrace to Hudson Street) and 9th Street (Castle Point Terrace to Hudson Street)
Aug. 5 – Madison Street (13th Street to 15th Street)
Line Striping/Pavement Marking Installation Schedule
Aug. 3 – Bloomfield Street Installation (Observer Highway up to 4th Street)
Aug. 4 – Bloomfield Street (3rd Street to 8th Street)
Aug. 5 – Bloomfield Street (7th Street to 12th Street, Southerly half of Intersection)
Aug. 6 – Bloomfield Street (11th Street, Northerly half of intersection to 14th Street)
Aug. 7 – 8th Street (Castle Point Terrace to Hudson Street) and 9th Street (Castle Point Terrace to Hudson Street)
Aug. 10 – Madison Street (13th Street to 15th Street)