WORK IT OUT WEDNESDAY: Squeeze in a Few More Outdoor Workouts
by Lisa Bruno
Labor Day just passed, but we can’t help to notice Summer temps are here and we’re loving any extra sweat we can get in. We all know Winter will be here before we know it.
This is exactly why we wanted to bring you one more way to Work it Outdoors before the weather gets crisper and you find another excuse to miss your workout!
This series of exercises are targeted specifically to your core that you can do pretty much anywhere! Plus it’s never too soon to prep for Summer 2016!
The below workouts come with a video too. If you need extra clarity and explanation, check out the video and follow us @WiOwithUs!
- 1.Weighted Side Bends. Stand with feet hip-width distance apart. One weight in each hand. Bend at the waist and reach right hand down towards the floor. Come back center and repeat on the left. Be sure to get in 3 sets of 10 reps on each side.
- 2. Twisted Lunges. Start with your hands behind your head or with a weight held straight out in front of you. Step forward with your right foot into a lunge and twist to the right. Come back center and repeat on the left leg.
- 3. Forearm Plank Challenge. Hold for 30-seconds, then build by adding another 30-seconds for a full minute plank. Then take a sidearm plank on each forearm for the same amount of time.
- 4. Plank Up-Downs w/ a Twist. Walk your hands out to a straight arm plank. Bring your right knee into your left elbow. Repeat with the left leg. Then walk your hands back to your feet and roll up to standing. Do as many as you can in a minute!
- 5. Russian Twists. Find your balance on your sits-bones, feet lifted into tabletop position. Twist right and left trying to reach each elbow to the floor – Better yet, hold onto a weight!
Watch our video for a visual tutorial of each exercise! Stay tuned for more Work it Outdoors videos in collaboration with @jvmcreative.
Lisa Bruno is the co-founder and director of business development at Work it Out Fitness Studios<http://www.workitoutgym.com> in Hoboken. Bruno is an avid fitness and nutrition enthusiast (and has been since a very young age). She holds a bachelor’s degree in Food & Nutrition and is currently pursuing her certification as a Registered Dietitian.