Hoboken, Weehawken, Jersey City Secure $230,000,000 Funding for Rebuild By Design
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has officially granted Hoboken, Jersey City and Weehawken $230,000,000 to move ahead with the plans outlined in the Hudson River Rebuild By Design project.
“This is a major milestone for the long-term resiliency of our City,” says Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer. “Thanks to strong community support, Hoboken is now on track to work with the State of New Jersey, Weehawken, and Jersey City towards the final design of this project over approximately the next 18 months.”
Hoboken’s topographical past as a marshland tends to reassert itself during major rain events. Obviously the most dramatic reminder was Superstorm Sandy, which hit five years ago this week.
In response to Sandy, Rebuild By Design (RBD) was developed as a multifaceted approach to managing stormwater from flooding and surge along the Hudson River. It explores using hard infrastructure and soft landscape—including permeable paving, rain gardens, and rainwater storage—for coastal defense.
“These federal funds are dedicated specifically for the Hudson River RBD project and are no longer at risk of being repurposed by the federal government for any reason. Completion of this project is now in the hands of the State of New Jersey and Hoboken, Weehawken, and Jersey City,” says Zimmer. “Going forward, it will be important to work closely with the community and the State to finalize the design so that it can be completed by the funding deadline of 2022, providing essential protection for residents, businesses, and critical facilities.”
The Hoboken Historical Museum will host residents and visitors at an open-house event recalling the impact of Superstorm Sandy and commemorating the 5-year anniversary. That event will take place on Sunday, October 29th from 2pm to 5pm at the Hoboken Historical Museum, located at 1301 Hudson Street.